A changelog is a history of changes/updates of a game, for example Spaceflight Simulator. An update is a version of a game which can include various new feature, big fixes, gameplay changes, etc. The game has evolved gradually over its 7 year history. The following is a list of updates. But before looking at them just know that the cock update is better
1.0 (Initial Release)[]
November 30th, 2017
Public release
Released January 31st, 2018
- Fixed bug that caused rockets to sink into the ground on loading
- Fixed prograde marker pointing the wrong way
- Fixed a spelling error
Released February 6th, 2018
- Complete rework of the build system, parts can now also be rotated and flipped (Unfortunately, old saves are not compatible with the new system)
- 3 new structural parts and 2 new fuel tank shapes
- Increased build space
- Added return to build option
- Terrain sinking bug
- Bug that caused parts to fly off at high velocity
- A bug where rockets disappeared when changing Sphere of Influence in real time
- Several small issues
Released February 7th, 2018
- Fixed rocket not launching
- Added zoom buttons
- Parts now appear above your finger, this should help you see where you are placing your part
- Added an auto correct system that helps with parts snapping
- Landing Leg and Parachute now turn automatically to stick to surfaces
Released February 20th, 2018
- Various build system changes
- Parts now smoothly snap to each other
- Parts now try to not be placed one on another
- This and many other small changes made to make building a lot easier
- Added side facing nose cones
- Fixed performance issues
- Fixed bug that caused some parts to load incorrectly
Released March 29th, 2018
- Added a new wheel (free version)
- Added sandbox mode options (Parts Expansion)
- Adjusted prices for other countries (Russia: 270 Russian Ruble -> 200 Russian Ruble, Brazil: 14 Brazilian Real -> 8 Brazilian Real, Poland: 16 Poland złoty -> 12 Poland złoty, India 260 Indian Rupee -> 200 Indian Rupee, etc.)
- Camera movement in physics view
- Added a new docking tutorial
- Added community links
- Fairings now detach from any non fairing part when deployed
- Fixed a ground teleport bug, extra velocity bug, undock bug etc.
Released May 8, 2018
- Rocket sharing (It might be buggy for the first few days, will get stable with time)
- Electric system
- Ion engine, Big panels, 3 Batteries, RTG, 8x1 structural part, and 6x2 tank
- Fuel Transfer
- No gravity and Unbreakable parts settings
- New flame effects
- New expansion sale page
- Fixed directional arrow
- Fixed sandbox settings bug
- Fixed many other small bugs
1.35 Beta[]
Released as an .apk on May 6th, 2018
- Batteries in 3 sizes, solar panels, RTGs, and Ion Engine
Released September 1, 2018.
- Frontier Engine thrust nerfed
- Titan Engine (previously known as Big Falcon Engine) thrust buffed
- Ion engine thrust nerfed.
- Big falcon engine renamed to titan engine
- RB-48 Renamed to Hawk Engine
- Engines now do not have engine covers unless you put them on the appropriate fuel tank
- New engine flame effects
- Adaptable fuel tanks and fairings
- Rocket skins
- Large parts
- New fairings
- Side separator separation force buffed
- Side fins in two sizes
- Build space increased vertically
- Thick line in the middle of the Build Editor to indicate the middle
- TWR and mass indicator on the bottom of the build space
- Earth's Sphere of Influence is smaller
- Jupiter and its 4 Galilean moons: Callisto, Ganymede, Europa and Io
- Bigger Launch Pad
- New brighter lighting
- Clouds
- Small docking ports and some big fuel tanks are now free
Released September 9, 2018.
- Fixed crashing
- Fixed bug that teleports players to the sun
- Fixed terrain sinking on load
- Fixed old saves compatibility, old parts are replaced by a placeholder
- Fixed loading menu
- Fixed Terrain Bumps bug
- Fixed Rocket velocity at launch bug
- Fixed arrow keys disappearing
Released June 4th, 2020. Nicknamed "The Foundation Update"
- Added a new worlds system
- In the future, worlds will allow you to have a separate sandbox and career worlds
- Each world can have its own set of custom planets
- Added a legacy system that automatically converts 1.4 saves to 1.5 saves
- Works with blueprints, quicksaves, and custom planets
- Increased zoom distance
- Increased build area height
- Added build persistent
- Added symmetry mode
- New build grid texture
- Improved part adaptation system, parts now adapt to a more wide variety of sizes, newly placed part now adapts to existing ones
Select Tool:
- Click on parts to select
- Move multiple parts
- Rotate/flip multiple parts
- Change skins of multiple parts
- Duplicate selected parts
- Menus are shown only when parts are selected, freeing up screen space
- Added big landing legs
- Added 6 and 8 wide nose cones
- Added 4×6, 6×6, 8×6 and 12×6 fuel tanks
- Added 12 wide strut
- Added 2 and 4 high fairing sections
- Added big fairing nosecone
- New model for every single engine
- Improved flame effects
- New solar panels texture
- Improved parachutes model
- New skins system that combines colors and shapes
- All skins for every fuel tank
- New gray, orange, stripes, and metal textures
- Added skins to fairings, nosecones, and separators
- Improved part clicking, part on the top is now always the one that gets clicked
- Added revert to launch and revert to build
- Improved fuel transfer
- Added horizontal/vertical velocity indicators
- Added Achievements for lower/upper atmosphere, high/low/capture orbit and crashes
- Reduced Phobos and Deimos diameter to a more realistic size
- Completely new aerodynamics systems, drag now only applies to exposed surfaces (will be easier to visualize once re-entry is added)
- New cleaner visual design
- New smooth animations
- High detail terrain in Map Mode
- Added a completely new navigation system, select a destination and an optimal trajectory to an encounter will be automatically calculated
- Reworked touch input system, this massively improved the touch experience
- Dark UI
- Translucent UI
- More responsive buttons
- Opening any menu pauses the game
- New end mission menu
- New Roadmap and patch notes
- Settings are now accessible from any scene
- Added renaming and reordering to load menu
- Added load screens
- Added translations
- Added translations folder that allows you to easily create custom translations
- More languages coming soon
- New star background
- New part lighting system
- New part render order system (no more depth glitches)
- Added 3 new music tracks: Depths of Space, Space Whales, and Long Journey
- Added option to purchase specific expansions
- Added expansions bundle
- Added prices in local currency
- Improved performance of big rockets by 2–3×
- Reduced startup time by 5×. Expect more performance improvements in the future
Planet Editing:
- Each world can have a different set of custom planets
- Added custom heightmaps folder
- Textures and heightmaps now use width/height for sizing
- Detail levels are now automatically generated
- Game now exports an example solar system file
- Game now retains default solar system
- Time warp max and zoom distance now automatically scales with planet sizes
- Added an extensive planet editing debug system
Blueprint Editing: Blueprint editing is not an officially supported feature, but this update still brings some exciting changes that will benefit it
- Some parts now have width/height/size variables, part properties will now scale with them
- Part pivots are now always top center or bottom center
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed music not playing
- Fixed rocket teleportation
- Fixed falling through ground
- Fixed aerodynamics not working
- Fixed arrow keys disappearing
- Fixed faster fuel drain bug
- Fixed Mercury texture[sic]
- Fixed RCS using electricity
- Fixed 45+ other smaller bugs
Released June 7, 2020
- Added restore purchase button
- Re-added ion engine (The entire electric system will get a complete rework in the future, mostly likely with features such as timewarp during ion engine burns, more uses for electricity, etc.)
- Fixed blueprint editing, overlapping parts connect at launch.
- Fixed example custom solar system
- Fixed a few other bugs
Released June 8, 2020
- Purchase bug fixed
Released June 10, 2020
- Fixed startup crash
- Updated purchase system to latest version
Released June 11, 2020
Bug fixes:
- Fixed RCS bug
- Fixed purchase issue on iOS
- Fixed legacy engines fuel source
- Fixed [new] not disappearing after being clicked
Released June 15, 2020
- Added upgrade to bundle from single expansion option
- Fixed TWR with stacked engines
- Fixed more parts button
- Purchases are now kept in offline mode
- Fixed world menu bug
- [Owned] tag is now prioritized over [New]
- Fixed [New] tag not disabling after clicking button
- Added move rocket button
- Fixed "parachute cut" being shown twice
- Fixed parachute still slowing down after cut
Released July 29, 2020
- Tutorials are greatly simplified and improved, but not yet translated into other languages and not fully ready.
- Added 11 new languages
- Fixed a few more bugs[]
Released August 5, 2020
- Added music in build mode
- Added request to skip tutorials (no translation yet)
- Added optimal takeoff angle (no translation yet)
- Added recommendations before launch, for example: "Your rocket has no parachute, launch anyway?" (no translation yet)
- Changed the model of the capsule: now it has a heat shield that can be hidden in the separator
- Tutorials have been greatly improved
Bug fixes:
- Fixed bug on startup
- Fixed freeze when docking[]
Released August 9, 2020
- Fixed docking
- Fixed blueprint loading
- Added ideal launch angle
- Added skip tutorial option
- Further improved tutorials (Expect constant improvements in the next few weeks)
- Added build soundtrack
- Changed capsule model
- Reduced lag when docking[]
Released August 24, 2020
- Improved symmetry
- Improved tutorials even further
- Added a small note explaining what happen with electricity
Released May 1st, 2021
- New rocket select system
- Added selecting rockets from physics view
- Added naming and renaming rockets
- Stages can now be organized either in the build editor or during flight.
- See Staging for more details.
- Adjust the amount of fuel in a fuel tank
- Deploy landing legs before flight
- Turn engines on before flightin build editor
- Added Korean translations
- Fixed lots of small bugs[]
Released on May 8, 2021 changes:
- Added activate selected stage
- Fuel bar stacking
- Added offset variable to bp (easy moving of bp)
- Part moving when flipped
- Battery being selectable for staging
- Landing leg icon in staging
- Parts being clickable trough pick menu
- Reordering blueprints is no longer laggy
- Fixed "fairing can incorrectly attach"
- "To heavy" typo
- Parts not showing as disabled when outside build grid
- Blueprints no longer get re-centered when loaded
- Staging being clickable through time warp buttons[]
Released May 11th, 2021
- 10+ bug fixes[]
Released on May 19th, 2021
- Fixed purchases sometimes not staying in offline mode
- Fixed bug where weird things would happen after crashing a rocket
Released December 10th, 2021
- Reentry effects
- Burn marks
- Heat shields
- Engine base part
- Improvements to staging
- Physics time warp
- No heat damage cheat
- Recover button
- Returned old height achievements
- Re-entry achievements
- Smooth shading on all parts
- Recover button
- Changed End mission to Recover/Destroy
- Removed end mission button from pause menu
- Moved height/velocity in horizontal mode
- Smooth engine gimbals
- Improved planet focus
- Camera shake with explosion
Released December 26th, 2021
- Added infinite build area
- Added new expansions
- Disabled engine clipping
- Engines now burn parts
- Added a part clipping cheat
- Removed "Future Updates" screen
Released January 26th, 2022
- Planet landmarks
- No burn marks cheat
- Smooth camera on stage detach
- Horizontal screen mode in build
- Per world cheat settings
- Faster saving
- Blueprint sharing
- Added achievements list to space center
- Added space center to classic mode
- Added 3× timewarp
- Moved video tutorial button from home to hub/build/world
- Added planet orbit eccentricity
- Simplified landmarks text for translations
- On collision, game will switch to debris; if no debris, failure menu will be shown after 3 seconds
Released on June 24, 2022
- "Timewarp Here" button
- Branching achievements (shows every launch that combined into this rocket)
- Massive optimisations for loading time (open build, launch, revert to launch/build, etc.)
- Significant optimisations for rocket breaking/splitting/docking
- Reduced game download size
- Re-implemented basic tutorials (just how to turn on throttle etc.)
- Split cheats into a separate menu[]
Released on June 29, 2022
- Added two training missions in main menu
- Increased max view when using infinite build area
- Added version to main menu
- Higher FPS options in settings
- Confirm menu for deleting blueprint/quicksave
- Small screen shake when detaching
- Launch rotate
- Split fairings in build
- Map button issue
- Time warp here button showing outside map
- Change language mid game
- Description jitter when zooming[]
- Added notifications, used for new developments.
- Added orbit line count
- You can now enable/disable screen shake.
- In the “Community” button on the home screen, added “Forums”
- You can now enable or disable engine gimbal
- Added a bottom tab saying “PC version is now available!
Released October 6th, 2022
- Added new expansion pack: "Redstone Atlas Pack".[]
Released October 14th, 2022
- Redstone/Atlas capsule parachute can now be staged
- Fixed rocket getting deleted on crash
- Fixed center engine collider
- Fixed career test crash
- Fixed docking port camera jump
- Fixed fairing detach offset
- Fixed two staging bugs
- Fixed retro pack description
- Adjusted situation in which bundle upgrade is shown
- New texture for the Vehicle Assembly building.[]
Released October 20th, 2022
- Added Redstone/Atlas textures as skins
- Added anti-aliasing (can be toggled in settings)
- Fixed docking
- Fixed atlas separator hitbox
- Fixed Solid Rocket Boosters
- Solid Rocket Boosters now no longer activate if your rocket is off. They can be activated if you turn on the rocket.
Released November 25th, 2022
- Docking assist (shows relative velocity, distance, etc.)
- New capsule and separator visuals
- Round fairings
- Big struts
- Time warp to transfer window
- Double click to select part groups
- Set multiple stats of parts at once
- Fairings can now adapt to fuel tanks
- Fixed stars[]
Released November 26th, 2022
- Fixed all fairing issues
- You can now disable fairing adapt in fairing part menu
- Re-enabled old planet files support
- Fixed issue that prevents you from launching after loading a sharing link fails
- Added new capsule model to capsule with build in heat shield
- Fixed/tweaked a ton of other small things[]
Released November 28, 2022
- Fixed sharing
- Fixed duplicated/unloadable worlds
- Fixed worlds not loading any rockets in a very rare edge case
- Fixed strut/fairing render glitch
- Fixed pause menu in horizontal mode
- Fixed fuel tank becoming premium when adapting to fairing
- Fixed fairing notch hitbox not being visible
- Landing legs can now only be attached by their base, not the moving part
- Automatic lost purchase restore, this should find purchases that were lost even years ago (as long as you are logged into the same google play account)[]
Released December 7, 2022
- Added undo and redo
- 3 minute and 30 second revert
- Added horizontal launch toggle for landscape mode
- Added Jezero Crater on Mars
- Round fairing cones now adapt
- Fixed purchases
- Fixed landing legs attaching
- Fixed orbits not drawing
- Fixed struts not rendering inside interstages
- Fixed landing velocity arrows
- Maybe fixed timewarp bug
- Fixed undo
- Fixed revert 30s reverting longer than 30s
- Fixed side separator force description
- Improved purchase recovery system
- Fixed big landing legs
- Fixed booster message showing from uncontrolled rockets
- Added some extra debug tools
- Fixed pc link typo
- Improved purchase recovery system
- Fixed a ton of small bugs[]
Released December 10, 2022
- Improved docking assist designs
- Added small rocks to planets/moons
- Fixed a crash issue
- Fixed notification request
Released May 14, 2023
- Challenge mode (no cheats allowed)
- Hard difficulty
- Challenges in hub menu
- Small captured asteroid in near Earth orbit
- Rocks to the surface of planets
- Button icons
- New rounded nosecone parts
- Lots of other small changes[]
Released May 28, 2023
- Challenges in space center menu
- Hard difficulty option (2x upscaled planets and distances)
- Small captured asteroid
- Rocks to the surface of planets
- Button icon
- Added Mercury-Redstone and Mercury-Atlas rocket parts[]
Released on February 20, 2024
- Fixed indestructible parts bug[]
Released on 7 September 2024
- Added teleport cheat
- Added refill fuel cheat
- Added new play and expansions icon
- Added old type part selector
- Added type name of parts