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Spaceflight Simulator Wiki

Heat Shields are parts that protect a rocket from the intense heat during re-entry. They come in sizes from 4-wide to 12-wide, and have two types: solid and hollow: solid heat shields are used to shield something solid (e.g. a capsule) and hollow which are used for shielding fairings with a payload inside. and have a heat tolerance of 6000 degrees Celsius or about 10,800 degrees Fahrenheit with some heat resistance when re-entry. The 4-wide one is free.

They also help prevent unwanted spacecraft rotation during re-entry. This is because the air flows around the rocket, rather than bunching up and pushing on one side of the rocket.


  • There was a bug that if you place a Heat Shield on a Fairing/Fairing Cone, it will adapt to the fairing. Also, if you select a fairing (cone), they won't clip. This was fixed in a later update.
  • Actually, it can withstand 6180 degrees Celsius (11150 Fahrenheit,} until it melts.
  • In reality, Heat Shields can only withstand 3126 degrees Celsius (5660 Fahrenheit.)
Content ParachuteCapsuleHeat ShieldsSeparatorFuel TanksHawk EngineValiant EnginePeregrine EngineKolibri EngineRCS ThrustersSide SeparatorAerodynamic Nose ConeSolid Rocket BoostersLanding Leg
Content 6 Wide Aerodynamic Nose Cone6 Wide Round Aerodynamic Nose ConeFuel TanksSeparatorHeat ShieldsEngine Base
Parts Expansion 8 Wide Aerodynamic Nose Cone8 Wide Round Aerodynamic Nose ConeFuel TanksSeparatorHeat ShieldsEngine Base
Parts Expansion Fuel TanksSeparatorHeat ShieldsEngine Base
Parts Expansion Fuel TanksSeparatorHeat ShieldsEngine Base
Engines Titan EngineHawk EngineFrontier EngineValiant EnginePeregrine EngineKolibri EngineRCS ThrustersIon Engine
Aerodynamic Parts ParachuteSide ParachuteAerodynamic Nose ConeAerodynamic FuselageRound Aerodynamic Nose Cone
Fairing Fairing
Structural Structural Part
Other Docking PortLanding LegIon EngineProbeRCS ThrustersSolar PanelRover Wheels
Career Mode Solid Rocket BoostersPeregrine Engine
Space Shuttle Foward FuselageMid FuselageAft FuselageShuttle SRBHydrogen External TankOxygen External Tank
Fuel Pipes Outlet PipeCorner PipeValvePipesInlet Pipe
Upcoming Vac 3 Engine"Double 2" Engine"Single 2" Engine"Double 1" EngineTitan 3 Engine
Upcoming Lander CanCrew SeatFlag
Temporarily removed in Version 1.5
Generators BatteriesRadioisotope Thermoelectric Generator
Currently removed in older versions
Other Probe (Large)Fairing AdapterAdapter
Rocket Parts
Mercury-Redstone Mercury Launch Escape SystemMercury CapsuleMercury Retro PackRedstone SeparatorRedstone FuselageRedstone Fuel TankRocketdyne A-7 Engine
Mercury-Atlas Atlas SeparatorAtlas AdapterAtlas Fuel TankAtlas Engine AdapterAtlas CoversRocketdyne XLR-89-5 EngineAtlas Engine BaseRocketdyne XLR-105-5 Engine