Landmarks are points in a planet where one could land on. An example of a landmark is Olympus Mons, located on Mars.
In the planet editor, landmarks consist of 4 parts: the name, the angle, the startAngle and the endAngle. The name is the name of the landmark. The angle is the location of the landmark from the right limb of the celestial body in degrees. The startAngle is how far you need to zoom out to see the landmark; the endAngle is how far you need to zoom in to see the landmark.
Examples of landmarks[]
There are many landmarks in various celestial bodies, like the Moon, Mars, Venus, and Mercury.
Mercury has two landmarks, Borealis Planitia (a smooth plain located near the north pole of Mercury) and Caloris Planitia (one of the largest basins in the solar system, thought to be formed by an asteroid impact).
Venus has 3 landmarks. They are Atalanta Planitia (which is relatively smooth with a few craters), Lavinia Planitia (which is covered with a few mountains) and Maxwell Montes (tallest mountain on Venus).
Earth has no landmarks, but the space complex may get a landmark in the future.
The moon has several landmarks, some of which are craters and some are flat zones.
Mare Serenitatis or the sea of serenity is a sea on the moon. It is flat with a few craters in it.
Mare Tranquillitatis or the sea of tranquility is another sea on the Moon. Similar to Mare Serenitatis, it is relatively flat with some craters. The landmark is also the landing site of Apollo 11.
Copernicus is a crater on the moon. It is named after Nicolaus Copernicus, a mathematician.
Oceanus Procellarum, or the ocean of storms, is an ocean on the moon. It is very large in size. The terrain has a few small craters in it.
Tycho is a crater on the moon, which is large in size. It is named after Tycho Brahe, a Danish astronomer.
Mars has 6 landmarks, some of which are plains, valleys, craters and mountains.
Olympus Mons is the most well-known feature of Mars in Spaceflight Simulator since the 1.4 update. The landmark is a volcano stretching up to 4 kilometers high in the air. Some challenges can be made on this landmark.
Hellas Planitia is another well-known feature on Mars. It is also the lowest point of Mars, at 8.5 kilometers below sea level. It is covered with a few craters.
Valles Marineris is a valley that is 3× the depth of the Grand Canyon. If a rocket lands on this place, the rocket will have almost no space to move about. If it landed on its sides, it'll tip.
Gale Crater is a crater on Mars. It is the landing site of the Curiosity rover.
Jezero is a crater on Mars. It is the landing site of the Perseverance rover and the Ingenuity helicopter.
Utopia Planitia is located on the north polar basin of Mars. It is flat, and circular in shape. The Viking 2 lander has landed in this plain.
Arcadia Planitia is another plain on Mars. It is located northwest of the Tharsis region.
Jupiter's moons[]
The Galilean moons have no landmarks, but it is possible for them to be added in the future.
If a rocket lands near or at a landmark, an achievement will appear saying "Landed on the surface of %planet{1}% near/at %landmark%". This will also appear in the mission achievements list.
- The Galilean moons don't have landmarks despite some famous features.
- The Earth is the only rocky planet in Spaceflight Simulator where it does not have landmarks.